Post image for BlackBerry Bold Touch Mistakenly Appears On BlackBerry Website

It is no big secret that Research in Motion has been working on a touchscreen baring BlackBerry Bold device for some time now.  The BlackBerry Bold Touch is rumored to be officially unveiled at BlackBerry World which starts this week and the first full QWERTY device with a touch screen will run RIM’s new operating system BlackBerry 7.  It is a little strange, however, that Research in Motion jumped the gun and has posted images of the BlackBerry Bold Touch, or, the  touch BlackBerry Bold, as they refer to it, to the BlackBerry website several days early.

Images and reference to the touch BlackBerry Bold have been removed from the BlackBerry home page, but, once something hits the internet, it pretty much stays on the internet.

[Via CrackBerry]



BlackBerry Bold Touch Mistakenly Appears On BlackBerry Website is a post from: RIMarkable, the Unofficial BlackBerry Weblog...

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