BlackBerry 6 Leaked for the BlackBerry Bold 9650

BlackBerry 6, the next generation BlackBerry OS that debuted on the BlackBerry Torch, has been leaked for the BlackBerry Bold 9650.  We’ve haven’t posted BlackBerry leaks for any device lately simply because they have been variations of OS 5 and you could barely tell the difference between them. OS, however, is the first BlackBerry 6 update for the BlackBerry Bold 9650 that we’ve heard of…

Download BlackBerry for the BlackBerry Bold 9650:

This is not an official release and is, thus, unsupported.  If you decide to give it a go, do so at your own risk, and, for goodness’ sake, make sure you have a good backup.  Rod from Simple Mobile Review has a 9650 so we are going to badger him in to installing it and giving us a full review.  If you check it out for yourself be sure to come back and leave a comment telling us what you think.

BlackBerry 6 For The BlackBerry Bold 9650 Leaked! Are you going to try it? is a post from: RIMarkable

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