Two New York media companies, Stardust and BBDO, have joined forces to create arguably the coolest display case for a cell phone that we’ve ever seen, and, it just so happens that it features the BlackBerry…
The “presentation station” uses 3D holographic projection to make the BlackBerry Storm2 housed in the middle, appear to float and interact with it’s surrounding environment. (Check the video out over on Dexigner)
The “presentation station” currently can be found in three Russian international airports and is also popping up in Russian carrier, MTS’ retail outlets. Let’s hope the when the next wave of BlackBerry smartphone make their way into stores here in the States, that we start to see some of these “presentation station” display units as well.
[Source BlackBerry Cool via CrackBerry]
Is This The Future Of BlackBerry Display Cases In Stores? is a post from: RIMarkable, the Unofficial BlackBerry Weblog...
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